Data engineer - Apeldoorn, Nederland - Belastingdienst

    Belastingdienst background

    Data Engineer (Management Information Developer)

    Love achieving the best results. Working with numbers, dashboards, and graphs. Utilize your business and IT expertise to provide the Tax Administration, Customs, and Benefits agency with more insights into business operations and information provision. As a data engineer, you enable the organization to make decisions based on data. This role is based in Apeldoorn. Contribute to the digital evolution of the Tax Administration, Customs, and Benefits agency. And your own development? You'll have all the space you need for that.

    What you'll do at the Tax Administration

    As a data engineer, you support the organization in the planning and control cycle. We have a lot of raw data at our disposal for that purpose. You will use that data along with your business knowledge to build data pools, data marts, reports, and dashboards according to our frameworks and guidelines. You will work with tools like SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Visual Analytics. You will translate needs into concrete designs. Then, you will build, test, and deliver the dashboards in line with the design.

    The modern and interactive dashboards you help build empower managers and analysts to make crucial decisions. This enables them to steer the organization even better. Your work contributes to a more efficient Tax Administration. You also assist in achieving financial and operational objectives. Your work directly influences how the organization operates and fulfills its responsibilities.

    Why this is a unique job opportunity...

    • You contribute to providing better information to the Tax Administration, Customs, and Benefits agency, thereby improving their work.
    • You have ample opportunities to develop both professionally and personally.
    • You get the chance to contribute to a changing organization where data plays an increasingly vital role.

    Is this job right for you?

    • You have a higher professional education (HBO) level of thinking and working.
    • You have an interest in working with business operations data and ICT.
    • You have experience in developing with SAS (Enterprise Guide, Visual Analytics) and databases (Teradata).

    Your skills

    • Analysis
    • Planning and organizing
    • Results orientation
    • Collaboration
    • Self-development